Monday, July 25, 2011

Stop Second Guessing Yourself

So after a whole 30 years of listening to the naysayers and all the negativity that has surrounded me, it's a little harder than expected to stop. One thing I have found that if you listen to someone who says something negative about you or your goals, that for a long time after what is said, you will still listen to them. What I mean by that is that those negative statements made about you will constantly be replayed in your mind over and over again. You can hear one hundred compliments in a day and one negative remark and chances are you will remember everything about that one negative thing.

Why is it that we would always remember the negative instead of the positive? Why is it that the majority of the population is so negative? Who knows the answers to these questions? We can't control anything other than ourselves. We can't control our situation all the time, other people, or even ourselves half the time. We can start to regain control of our thoughts but that takes constant work. It is a daily selling job of you to yourself and about yourself.

I personally heard negativity about what I can and can't do my whole life. I will admit it is very difficult sometimes to constantly remind myself that I can do what I want to do. It takes everything inside of me to constantly be my own coach and inspiration. It is said that we are our own worst critic and it is true. We can accomplish something and to everyone else it can be a masterpiece, be it a painting, an article, song, or a poem. We can show others and they can call it good but we know on the inside where all the flaws are and that's the only thing we can see sometimes.

We are the only ones who give the naysayers their power. There is a proverb that states 'if there is no enemy within, then the enemy on the outside can do no harm'. With all the negativity surrounding us we would think that we would have to be that one positive voice for ourselves, but that isn't always the case. Confidence in ourselves is the only thing we need. Confidence more than knowledge, tools, and even skills will help you get there. Belief in yourself and everything else will come in due time.

When you are at a decision point, career change, moving across country, leaving a relationship, or any other major crossroad know that you already have the skills, knowledge, and knowhow to make it whatever it is you decide. The most important thing is not to take too much time contemplating and planning because you can plan and think about all the 'what ifs' and talk yourself out of it. Making difficult decisions is a part of life and in making them we get stronger and more confident in ourselves. Stop second guessing yourself and go after what you want and never look back.

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